Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Scenes from Guatemala

So I realize that I haven’t made much use of the posting photos function that this blog allows me. In fact I hadn’t realized it was that easy. So props to Blogspot for letting me do this: enjoy these pics. You can probably figure out which picture corresponds to which description.
(1) Lake Atitlan – and yes it really is that gorgeous, and sorry I didn’t talk that much about it in my recent entry. There just wasn’t enough space for everything. My favorite moments were bumpy boat rides surrounded by beautiful blue waters to and from the cities along its coast. (alliteration!!!)
(2) Volcano Pacaya – got pretty close!
(3) Antigua colonial architecture. The lighting worked out well if I do say so myself. ;)
(4) Graffiti for all those global citizens like myself….

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